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Locating AirPods - how to find them again

If you don't remember where you put your AirPods or if they were stolen, it is possible to locate the Apple headphones. The location of the AirPods is possible both on the computer and on the mobile device. We explain the respective procedure here.

How to locate your lost AirPods

If you have lost your AirPods, there is a possibility to find them again by locating them. However, for this to work, you need the "Where's?" app on the iPhone you use with the AirPods.
  1. To locate your AirPods using the "Where's?" app, first open the app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod.
  2. In the app, then switch to the "Devices" tab and select your AirPods to see their location on the map.
  3. If your AirPods are located nearby, you can tap "Play Sound" under "Devices" > "AirPods" to hear an audible signal that will help you find the headphones.

Locate: How to find your AirPods via iCloud

Alternatively to using the "Where is?" app, you can also locate your AirPods via iCloud. To use this method, please go to the "iCloud.com" website on your computer or Mac and log in to the cloud with your Apple ID. Öffnen Sie in der Cloud anschließend den Bereich „Mein iPhone suchen“ und klicken Sie unter „Geräte“ auf den Namen Ihrer AirPods, um deren aktuellen Standort zu ermitteln.

By Moncear Heisey

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