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locating iPhone X without iCloud - Alternatives

Apple offers the special "Find my iPhone" feature to find a lost iPhone. You do not need the iCloud to do this. However, the device you want to search for must already have the feature enabled. "Find my iPhone" can be turned on in the settings.

How to find your iPhone X without iCloud

You can easily locate your iPhone without the iCloud. To do this, use the "Find my iPhone" function. You should always have this activated, because a subsequent activation after losing the iPhone X is not possible.

How to use "Find my iPhone"

  1. Open the website with Apple's location service.
  2. Tap on "Find my iPhone"
  3. Enter your Apple ID.
  4. Tap your iPhone X in the list to view its location on the map.
  5. Go to the menu in the top left corner and select "Lost" to set up some security measures.
  6. Lock your device with a code.
  7. Set up a message for the finder of your device. Include a phone number, address, and possibly a finder's reward.
  8. Log out of your accounts.
  9. Lock Apple Pay.

„Mein iPhone suchen“ aktivieren

  1. Öffnen Sie die Einstellungen Ihres iPhones.
  2. Wählen Sie „iCloud“.
  3. Tippen Sie auf „Mein iPhone suchen“.
  4. Aktivieren Sie die Funktion.

By Lottie

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