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restore iPhone backup from iCloud

With the help of iCloud, you can backup your data such as photos, mails, notes, contacts and much more. You can then easily restore this data in case of a problem with your device or when you switch to a new iPhone. However, you need to create a backup first.

Backup: Before restoring iPhone from iCloud

For the restore to work, you need to create a backup first if you don't have automatic backups enabled. Check here to see if a backup is available:
  1. Open the "Settings".
  2. Tap your name at the top.
  3. Navigate to "iCloud > Manage storage > Backups".
  4. Check if there is a recent backup or create a new backup of your data.

Upload backup to your iPhone

To upload iCloud backup to your iPhone, follow these steps. If you have a new iPhone, follow the setup instructions and read from step 4 here.
  1. Go to your settings.
  2. Navigate to "General > Reset".
  3. Select "Erase all content & settings".
  4. Folgen Sie der Einrichtungsanleitung und tippen Sie auf „Apps & Daten“ sobald verfügbar.
  5. Entscheiden Sie sich für „Aus iCloud-Backup wiederherstellen“.
  6. Melden Sie sich mit derselben Apple-ID an, mit der Sie zuvor das Backup erstellt haben.
  7. Wählen Sie das Backup aus und schließen Sie die Einrichtung ab.

By Halonna Marban

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