Delete FanFiktion account - how it works
If you have created a free account at FanFiktion, you can publish your self-written stories there. If you no longer need the account, it is possible to delete it in a few steps. We explain in this article how it works and how to make further changes.
This is how to delete your account at FanFiktion
If you like to write your own stories about the characters of your favorite books, movies or series, the website of is the right place to publish them. However, if you no longer use your FanFiktion account, it makes sense to delete it.- To do this, first log in to your FanFiktion account by clicking on "Login" in the top right-hand corner and entering your nickname or e-mail address and the corresponding password.
- In your account, then click on your account name and navigate to "Edit profile".
- There you will find the option "Delete account", which you must select to delete your FanFiktion profile.
- Please note that with the deletion of your account, all your stories, favorites and bookmarks will also be deleted.