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Hurricane Festival: Watch concerts in live stream

The Hurricane Festival has been held since 1997. It is held every year on the motorcycle sand race track Eichenring near Scheeßel and has numerous bands to offer. If you don't have time for the festival, you can watch the concerts in the live stream.

How to see the Hurricane Festival in live stream

If you do not have time to go to the Hurricane Festival in June, you can also watch the various concerts in live stream. For this you have different options. Streamed are not all concerts on each day. In 2018, streaming took place from 17:00 to 23:45 and you could thus watch your favorite bands in a timely manner.
  1. As every year, selected concerts will also run in 2019 in the livestream on NDR.de. To see this, you only have to tune in on the selected day.
  2. About the website arte.tv you also have the opportunity to watch almost all concerts during the festival in the livestream.
  3. If you do not have time to watch the livestream on TV, you can also follow the live concerts on the radio. Various stations broadcast the music. Darunter zählt beispielsweise der Radiosender Camp FM.
  4. Meist lassen sich einige der Konzerte auch nachträglich auf YouTube oder ähnlichen Webseiten anschauen, wenn Sie den Livestream verpassen. In manchen Fällen werden diese auch als Wiederholung im Fernseher gezeigt.

By Averill Delabra

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