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Fortnite: Propane tanks - in these places you can find them

In Fortnite, new challenges are released every now and then for players to complete. In Season two of the second chapter, TnTina challenges you. In this challenge you have to destroy ten buildings with the help of propane tanks. These are distributed on the map, are red and have the inscription "Ka-Boom".

How to find the propane tanks in Fortnite

With each new Season you will get new challenges in Fortnite. In Season two of the second chapter, TnTina presents you with this one. You will be given the task of destroying ten buildings with the propane tanks standing nearby. The tanks are small and red, and you'll also recognize them by the inscription "Ka-Boom". On "The Rig" you will find them in a large number at various locations.
  1. Go to "The Rig" first. This is the small oil rig, which is located in the southwest of the map.
  2. To complete the challenge, you need to find the propane tanks on the map and destroy buildings or structures with them.
  3. You can find the tanks distributed everywhere on the island, especially in the northern and southern parts. In the south you will also find a room whose entrance is covered with cardboard boxes. In diesem befinden sich zahlreiche Tanks.
  4. Sobald Sie einen Tank sehen, heben Sie ihn per Tastendruck auf. Anschließend müssen Sie diese mithilfe der Schusstaste werfen. Wenn Sie die Taste gedrückt halten, können Sie die Wurfreichweite erhöhen.
  5. Nun müssen Sie auf die Propantanks schießen, damit diese nach einer kurzen Zeit explodieren und Schaden verursachen.

By Seaver

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