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7 Days to Die: These mods for the survival game are available

In the game 7 Days to Die you have to deal with ever larger waves of enemies. To be able to defend yourself better, you have the possibility to build a base from different materials, create armor or craft weapons. In addition, you can expand the possibilities in the game with mods.

These mods for 7 Days to Die you should try

In the game 7 Days to Die you have to defend yourself against zombie hordes. In order to cope with the ever-growing waves of enemies, it is necessary to strengthen your base with good materials. Besides, weapons and armor are necessary to survive. The seventh day is followed by the Blood Moon Night, in which your defense will be put to an even greater test. If you want to make changes to the game, mods can help you.
  1. If you want to improve your game with some mods, then there are numerous contents available. You can find these mainly via the Nexusmods page.
  2. Using the search bar, you can find more mods. Hierbei gibt es Erweiterungen, die das Gameplay verändern, das Design anpassen oder neue Funktionen hinzufügen.
  3. Klicken Sie auf der Nexus-Seite oben rechts auf die Schaltfläche „Install Vortex“.
  4. Anschließend öffnet sich eine weitere Seite. Klicken Sie hier nun auf „Download the latest
  5. version now“.
  6. Nachdem der Download abgeschlossen ist, können Sie den Mod-Manager starten.
  7. Über diesen haben Sie nun die Möglichkeit, Mods für verschiedene Spiele zu verwalten.

By Klarrisa Mccaffree

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