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7 Days to Die: Rent a server - how it works

If you don't want to play the zombie game 7 Days to Die alone, but together with friends, you have the possibility to rent a server. In addition, it is also possible to simply join a friend's game via Steam.

How to rent a server for 7 Days to Die

In the survival game 7 Days to Die you fight alone or with friends for survival in a zombie apocalypse. If you are interested in multiplayer, you can rent a server for 7 Days to Die.For multiplayer mode, however, it is also possible to join a friend who has already started the game via the friends list. This alone has a disadvantage: in order to play in the same world and with the same progress, the same player must always host the game for all the other players. So, if you have joined a friend, you cannot load the same game state without him or her, unless you send the save files to each other.On the other hand, if you rent a server for 7 Days to Die, any fellow player can join the game state at any time. The provider hosts the game for you around the clock at the respective conditions.

Anbieter für Gaming-Server

Möchten Sie einen Server für 7 Days to Die mieten, kommen dafür beispielsweise folgende Anbieter infrage:
  • Nitrado
  • G-Portal
Bei den meisten Anbietern für 7-Days-to-Die-Server zahlen Sie einen einstelligen Euro-Betrag im Monat. Teilen Sie sich diesen mit Ihren Mitspielern, erhalten Sie einen sicheren und immer verfügbaren Server.

By Besse Balfany

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