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How many watts does my PC need? Find out!

If you put together your own computer, you have to consider a few things. For example, how many watts the PC requires. Only then can you decide on a power supply that provides the computer with optimal power.

How to find out how many watts your PC needs

To find out how many watts your computer needs, there is a power supply calculator from manufacturers like be quiet! There you can enter the hardware components you have installed and get the power requirements of your PC as a result. You can then use this value as a guide when choosing a power supply and are on the safe side that your computer is also supplied with enough power.
  • CPUs can require up to 150 watts and sometimes even up to 200 watts.
  • Powerful graphics cards consume up to 250 watts.
  • The remaining components also consume some power. In most cases, this is an additional 100 watts.
  • So that the power supply does not cause any problems, you can, for example, use the power supply calculator from be quiet and calculate exactly how many watts your PC needs.

Find out power requirements manually

Of course, it is also possible to calculate the power requirements manually. For this purpose, there are guide values for the various components. You should find exact information about the power requirements in the technical data of the product or in the manual. You should pay attention to the TDP (Thermal Design Power) especially for the CPU and GPU. Among other things, this indicates the maximum watt consumption of the parts.

By Ariadne

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