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Deezer doesn't work - here's what to do

If Deezer doesn't work, it can have different causes. The decisive factor is what triggers the error. Depending on whether you can't log in, the service won't start, or songs won't play, the solution differs.

For these reasons, Deezer may experience problems

The Deezer service is not safe from server failures either. It can always happen that the connection to the service is not possible for technical reasons.
  1. If you use Deezer in the browser, it can often help to clear the cache.
  2. In addition, you should remove all cookies from the browser.
  3. Try again to log in to Deezer and play a song.
  4. If the problem persists, change your browser.

Deezer does not work on the smartphone

  1. On the smartphone, you are mainly helped by the fact that you uninstall the entire app and set up again on your smartphone.
  2. By deleting the app, neither your settings nor your created playlists are deleted. Dafür leeren Sie jedoch den Zwischenspeicher und beheben mögliche Probleme mit der Anwendung.

Weitere Möglichkeiten

  1. Sollte auf allen Geräten ein Problem bestehen, starten Sie Ihren Router neu.
  2. Trennen Sie ihn für knapp 30 Sekunden vom Stromnetz und schließen Sie ihn anschließend wieder an.
  3. Auch der Neustart der entsprechenden Geräte kann bereits Abhilfe verschaffen.

By Haggar Mccrow

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