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Linux commands - how to control the system via the terminal

Linux, along with Windows and Mac OS, is one of the most widely used operating systems, which has become increasingly popular, especially recently. Especially the possibility to create your own distribution and adapt Linux to your personal circumstances make the operating system so attractive.

What Linux commands are there?

In Linux, it is common to control the entire operating system via the terminal. To open the terminal, you need a key combination, namely "Ctrl" and "T". After opening the terminal, you will see your user name and the name of the PC or machine you are currently on.
  1. To find out which folder you are currently in, simply type the command "pwd" and press Enter. Now the terminal will show you the current path.
  2. If you want to know which files are in the current directory, use the command "ls" or "ls -lh" to get an ordered list with all the important information.
  3. If you now want to change to a specific directory, this goes with "cd <folder name>", so for example "cd desktop".
  4. With the "clear" command, you can clean the terminal again, if it becomes too confusing for you.
  5. Of course, you can also delete a file or folder. Mit „rm -rf <Ordnername>“ löschen Sie einen Ordner. Bei einer Datei reicht es, wenn Sie nur „rm <Dateiname>“ eingeben.

By Grange

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