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Important HTML commands - you need these commands

If you want to build your website in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), then you need the different commands of the markup language. Here, there are some commands that you will need for each structure. For this reason it is important to know the basics already at the beginning.

You should know these important commands of HTML

If you want to build your website with HTML, then there are some points to consider. In addition, you need to know the basic commands that you can use to structure and design the web page. Note that a so-called tag always consists of a beginning <> and an end </>.
  1. Before you can structure the web page according to your wishes, you need the commands for the basic structure of your page. This includes commands like <title> or <body>.
  2. If you want to structure your texts on the web page, then you need to mark whether it is a heading <h1></h1>. You mark the subheadings accordingly with an ascending number. You can also insert a line break <br>, a separator line <hr> and a paragraph <p>.
  3. If you want to insert a table, use the <table>tag. Bei einer Aufzählung ist es der Befehl <li></li>.
  4. Auch die Schriftart und -farbe können Sie ändern, indem Sie den jeweiligen Textbereich in einen Tag einschließen. So können Sie diesen in fett <b>, kursiv <i> oder hochgestellt <sup> schreiben. Soll der Text dagegen unterstrichen werden, verwenden Sie den Tag <u>.

By Ben

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