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Passport: Have your address changed - what to look out for

If you are moving or already have a new primary residence, have the address on your passport changed as soon as possible. Especially if you plan to travel, it is very important that all the data on the document is up to date.

When do I need to have the address changed in my passport?

Your passport only shows your place of residence, but not your exact address. It is therefore only necessary to have the address changed in the passport if you move to another municipality. If, on the other hand, you change your place of residence within one and the same city, you do not have to change anything, at least for your passport. In the identity card, however, but, because on this identity document is your exact address noted.

After the move to another city

If you have moved to another municipality, do not just change the address in your passport. Since you are re-registering at the Citizen's Office anyway and have the new address written on your ID card, bring your passport with you right away and update the city where you reside in this document as well. In this way, you save yourself an extra trip and have your documents completely adjusted right away.
  • When you re-register, bring a certificate of registration with you. Manchen Bürgerbüros genügt auch ein Dokument, das Ihren neuen Wohnsitz belegt, wie etwa einen Mietvertrag.
  • Sie benötigen außerdem den Reisepass.
  • Auslandsdeutsche benötigen eine Abmeldebescheinigung, wenn Sie den Reisepass im Ausland ändern lassen. Lassen Sie den Reisepass noch innerhalb Deutschlands ändern, benötigen Sie hingegen den Nachweis über eine Wohnung im Ausland.

By Martha

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