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Latex: Create enumeration in document

In latex, the formatting of your document runs through various tags and commands. This allows you to specify all the necessary formatting at the beginning of your text, some of which will apply to the entire document. This will save you a lot of work with formatting afterwards.

How to create an enumeration in Latex

In most documents, an enumeration is needed at some point. This allows you to present facts more easily and make them more descriptive for the reader. It is also possible in Latex to create a bulleted list in a desired formatting. For this you need only the correct tags.
  1. If you need a simple enumeration, this goes with the command "\begin{itemize}". At the end of the enumeration, you then need the command "\end{itemize}".
  2. If you prefer to set a numbering for your bullet points, this goes with the command "\begin{enumerate}". Again, end the numbering paragraph with the end command "\end{enumerate}".
  3. To signal which text belongs to each bullet point, you need to write "\item" in front of each bullet point. This way Latex knows when a new bullet point starts and therefore has to be counted on.
  4. If you want an enumeration within an enumeration, then you can simply put the commands into the enumeration again. Latex erkennt dann, wann die zweite Aufzählung startet und wieder endet.
Beachten Sie jedoch, dass die Verwendung von zu vielen verschachtelten Aufzählungen innerhalb des Dokuments unübersichtlich wirkt.

By Brottman Gabri

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