HOME > Streaming > Becoming A Mixer Partner: These Are The Requirements

Becoming a Mixer Partner: These are the requirements

Those who stream on Mixer and have already earned a certain status can apply for partnership to become even more successful. We show which requirements must be met.

Partners of Mixer receive many benefits - and that's why there are entry requirements.

As a partner, you can really take off on Mixer, but to do so, your account must not be brand new.

Mixer: Become a partner - this is how it works

To become a Mixer partner, you must meet several requirements:
  • Your account must be at least two months old.
  • The account must have at least 2,000 followers.
  • You must stream at least twelve days per month, with a total of at least 25 hours of running time.
Mixer thus requires a high level of activity from its partners. Both sides should benefit from this, as streamers can make a significant jump in monetization through the partnership and lots of content.You can also apply to become a partner if you are already established on a platform (YouTube or Twitch). In this case, you can start the contact process on this page.

By Trista Irvan

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