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Payback Partner Card: So useful is the second card

With Payback you have the possibility to collect points while shopping in selected stores. For this, it is necessary to show your card and have it scanned. You can then redeem the points for rewards. With the help of a partner card, it is possible to collect points in pairs.

How to get a Payback partner card

Once you have opted for a Payback points account, you will receive a card. You can show this in selected stores and receive points. These are dependent on the purchase made. If you have collected enough points, they can be spent on rewards. If you would like to collect points together with your partner, you can apply for a second card. The points collected will then be credited to the same points account. You can easily order a second card afterwards.
  1. First you need your contact details and your Payback customer number.
  2. Then you need to contact the customer service of Payback. Dies erfolgt über das Online-Kontaktformular oder über die Service-Nummer  (+49) 089 / 540 20 80 20.
  3. Auch über den Postweg erreichen Sie den Kundenservice. Schicken Sie hierfür einen Brief an PAYBACK Service Center, Postfach 23 21 02, 85330 München-Flughafen.
  4. Verwenden Sie das Kontaktformular, müssen Sie sich zunächst mit Ihren Anmeldedaten auf der Webseite einloggen.
  5. In jedem Fall müssen Sie Ihr Anliegen schildern und dabei Ihre Kundennummer angeben. Anschließend wird Ihnen eine kostenlose Zweitkarte zugesendet.

By Joyce Spee

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