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Firefox: Disable cache files - this is how easy it is

Firefox is one of the most popular browsers along with Chrome and Opera. It offers a large number of add-ons that you can install. Firefox, like all other browsers, uses a cache to store files so that websites load faster. If you don't want that, you can easily prevent it.

How to disable Firefox cache?

In the cache, a browser stores temporary data so that websites can load faster and you don't have to download all the images from the website every time. If you want to disable the cache, you can easily do so via the settings.
  1. Start the Firefox browser and open the context menu by clicking on the three horizontal lines in the upper right corner. Click here further on the "Settings".
  2. Go to "Advanced" and then click on the tab "Network".
  3. Set a check mark at "Disable automatic cache management" and write a 0 at "Limit cache to ... space" in.
  4. Nun klicken Sie auf „OK“, um die Änderung zu bestätigen.
  5. Starten Sie Firefox neu, da die Änderungen erst nach dem nächsten Neustart aktiv werden.
Wenn Sie den Cache ausschalten, kann es passieren, dass Sie längere Wartezeiten beim Laden einer Website haben als zuvor, da jedes Mal alle Daten neu geladen werden müssen.

By Levina Duel

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