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JavaScript: "window.open" - all information

Window.open is a JavaScript command that you can use in many ways. It can open new tabs, new pages or even popup windows. How to use the JavaScript command "window.open" practically, we explain in this article.

How to use the JavaScript command "window.open"

Three parameters are behind the structure of the command:
  1. the parameter "URL"
  2. the parameter "Name"
  3. the feature parameters
The parameter "URL" is essential. This is the destination address of your file to be loaded into the new window. The other two parameters specify the type and destination of the new window. Possible values for the window name are:
  • _blank: The address will be opened in a new window.
  • _self: The address will be loaded in the current window.
  • _top: The address replaces all possible framesets.
  • _parent: Used in framesets to load the address in the parent frame.
  • _name: A custom name is assigned here.
The feature parameters are very extensive and responsible for determining the appearance of the new window. For example, you specify the width and height, and whether you want to have a title bar or status bar.

This is what you should consider

When working with the JavaScript command, you should proceed carefully so as not to be overwhelmed by pop-up windows. Zudem geben verschiedene Browser Vorgaben, die Sie bei den Einstellungen der neuen Fenster beachten müssen. Über diese sollten Sie sich im Voraus informieren.

By Borszcz Anushka

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