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Which FritzBox is available at 1&1? So is the current status

In order to use Internet in your own home, you must first sign a contract with a provider. This equips you quite quickly with a router. After that, all that is missing is that you connect the router and a technician activates your connection. But which routers are available at 1&1?

Which FritzBox is available at 1&1? These models are available

Be sure to note that not all models are always available for individual contracts. So it may well be that an existing device is not displayed for your contract.
  1. The FritzBox is probably the most common and best-known form of a router. Even with a FritzBox, there are striking differences between the individual models.
  2. Most households are equipped with a 1&1 homeserver.
  3. This is a model that combines a router and a modem in one device and also makes WLAN use possible.
  4. Alternatively, there are individual models that can be used exclusively for the provision of WLAN.
  5. In addition, there are the Surf & Phone boxes, which are basically used as a telephone system, but also allow an Internet connection.

Wo liegen die Unterschiede?

  1. Zwischen einzelnen Modellen gibt es Vor- und Nachteile in der Signalstärke sowie in der Reichweite des WLANs.
  2. Auch die Frequenz, auf der gesendet wird, ist nicht bei jedem Modell gleich.
  3. Zusätzlich kann nicht jedes Gerät zum Telefonieren genutzt werden sowie nicht jedes Gerät ausschließlich zur Nutzung des Internets verwendet werden kann.

By Jemmie

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