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The Amazon account has been suspended - what to do?

It can happen from time to time that your Amazon account is suspended for no apparent reason. The reasons for this can be wide-ranging and sometimes even caused by a small mistake. To find out why your account has been suspended, you should first check a few things.

The Amazon account has been suspended: What is the reason for this?

Amazon does not block user accounts without reason. If your account has been suspended, you must first find out the cause.
  1. Find out if you have paid your dues for your Prime membership recently. After all, outstanding payment can lead to account suspension.
  2. Were there many packages returned by you? To prevent fraud, Amazon reserves the right to block accounts with too many returns.
  3. It is possible that your account has been abused by a stranger without your knowledge and Amazon has blocked the account for your safety.
  4. Attempts at fraud by false or foreign payment methods are also a reason to block an account.

How do you proceed now?

  1. Usually you will be informed about the blocking and the reason with the register mail.
  2. Selbstverständlich müssen Sie die Sperrung nicht einfach hinnehmen, sondern Sie können den Kundenservice kontaktieren und gegen die Sperrung argumentieren.
  3. Halten Sie zu diesem Zweck Belege zu Ihrer Identität und Ihren Käufen bereit.
  4. Verweisen Sie auf das Verbraucherschutzgesetz, um Ihrem Anliegen ein Gewicht zu verleihen und durch die Rechtslage Ihr Konto zurückzuerlangen.

By Rooke Ervin

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