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What is SSL?

SSL is there to ensure secure data transmission between website and user. If this is not the case, in the worst case, for example, hackers can get to your sensitive data and misuse it. Here you can get an overview of how SSL works.

The third, latest version of SSL has actually been renamed TLS.

What is SSL?

SSL stands for "Secure Sockets Layer" and is a protocol used for secure data transmission on the Internet. If this is not the case, the secure transmission of private or sensitive information can no longer be guaranteed. So it is easy for hackers to get hold of this data. SSL therefore prevents anyone else from reading the data exchanged between a user and a website.
  1. During data transmission, encryption algorithms are used to encode the data in such a way that no one can view it during transmission.
  2. A secure connection can always be recognized by a small, usually green lock, which should be located to the left of the URL. If none appears there, the connection is probably not securely encrypted.
  3. With a click on the lock, you also get more information about the connection.

SSL: Benefits for search engine optimization

Meanwhile, HTTPS with SSL encryption is considered standard, which you should absolutely meet with your own website. If the page is not SSL encrypted, a small window pops up on most browsers informing the user that the website is not secure. This could cause the user to leave the website again and access a secure website. This bounce rate in turn has impacts on the "Google ranking. Therefore, it is recommended to switch your website to the SSL protocol as soon as possible.

By Addia Lamison

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