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Excel: Specify value in percent - how it works

The mathematical way from a decimal value to a percentage value is not complicated: you have to multiply the number by 100. Excel even does this work for you, so all it takes is one click.

Percentages are among the easiest Excel exercises.

Calculating percentages is simple: the value 0.5 equals 50 percent, 0.75 is 75 percent, and 1 represents 100 percent. In Excel, you can let the program do this conversion for you.

Excel: Let value in percent

You can reach percent values in the following way:
  1. Mark the cell(s) in which the decimal value is located.
  2. Then click on the selection field at the top of the "Number" area, which normally displays "Standard".
  3. Select "Percent" from the options.
The display of the selected value will now switch to a percentage. You can also click the percent function first while selecting an empty cell, so that the subsequent input is directly in percent.

By Crisey

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