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How to unsubscribe from Amazon? Here's how

If you want to buy items on Amazon, you need a free Amazon account. Whenever you buy something on the website or through the app, you must first sign in with your account. Once you have made the purchase, you can log out using the appropriate button.

How to log out of Amazon

To make purchases on Amazon, it is necessary to log in to your Amazon account. Once you have made your purchase, you can log out. To do this, go to the top of the website and click on the "Account and Lists" section until the menu appears. Navigate down with your mouse until you see the "Logout" option. Click this so that you can log out. If you are using your Amazon account on your smartphone, you can sign out the device from Amazon if you no longer want to make purchases through it.
  1. To do this, log in to your Amazon account on the website.
  2. Hover your mouse over the "Account and Lists" area. Then click on the "My Content and Devices" option.
  3. Switch to the "Devices" tab. Here you can see which devices you are logged into with your account.
  4. Go to the device you want to log out of. Klicken Sie anschließend unter dem Namen des Geräts auf die Schaltfläche „Abmelden“.
  5. Führen Sie dies mit jedem Gerät durch, von dem Sie sich abmelden möchten.

By Butterfield Abud

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