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Spotify loads slowly - what could be the reason?

With Spotify you can stream your music. But loads the streaming service at once very slowly and you can therefore not use it comprehensively, you should check various options in advance. Most of the time, the causes can be fixed quickly and easily.

This may be the reason why Spotify loads slowly

If the streaming service only loads slowly, then listening to music is no longer a pleasure at all. Even podcasts and audio plays do not run smoothly then. To get to the bottom of the cause, certain aspects should therefore be checked. These can usually be fixed without much effort.
  1. First, check whether you have a stable and trouble-free Internet connection.
  2. Use Spotify via WLAN, then make sure that you are within range. With mobile data, it can often come to dropouts on the smartphone, whereby only a slow loading is possible.
  3. In addition, deactivate the "hardware acceleration" in the options of Spotify.
  4. It is also important that you check whether you have not stored a proxy server for the connection in the program settings.
  5. Another factor for the smooth operation of Spotify and thus also for a fast loading is to have the latest app version installed. Prüfen Sie daher, ob Spotify bei Ihnen auf dem neuesten Stand ist und aktualisieren Sie es gegebenenfalls.
  6. Helfen all diese Tricks nicht, dann deinstallieren Sie die App, um sie anschließend erneut herunterzuladen.

By Wilkison

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