Nonostante gli operatori di telefonia mobile presenti in Italia siano sempre di più e capire quale sia la migliore tra le offerte telefonia mobile disponibili è un po’ più complicato rispetto al passato, il metodo più efficace per risultare vittoriosi nella scelta consiste nel meccanismo della comparazione.
Il confronto tra le tariffe presenti sul mercato italiano permette di delineare fin da subito il quadro mentale delle offerte per il cellulare e di comprendere con maggiore facilità quella che si adatta meglio ai propri bisogni.
Quali dovrebbero essere, nella pratica, i criteri di valutazione, considerando che il prezzo non può essere l’unico elemento da considerare?
What should be the criteria in practice, considering that the price cannot be the only element to be considered?
Some fundamental elements for the activation of a new mobile offer will be presented below.
Better an all inclusive tariff than a pay-as-you-go tariff
Pay-as-you-go tariffs still exist and there are several operators who sponsor them on their websites. However, when you have to make a choice about a mobile promotion, you have to take into account the evolution of the market.
Nowadays, in fact, it is much more convenient to choose to activate an all inclusive promotion: these are mobile offers that include minutes, calls and a certain number of Giga for a fixed monthly price.
Why choose them? Regardless of whether you are only interested in calls or the Internet, paying for extra services, such as free messages to all, can always be useful in contexts out of the ordinary, such as when there is no connection and you can not send messages via WhatsApp or Telegram.
The operator attack promotions
Another element that has characterized the mobile market for some time is the presence of so-called operator attack offers. What are they exactly and why are they so fashionable?
The operator attack promotions are those that can be activated only by customers who come from certain operators.
They are born because, with the diffusion of an increasing number of market players, losing their customers has become a habit: the operator attack offer has precisely the objective of being able to recover customers who have been lost over the months and who have chosen the competitor that you are trying to beat.
Typical examples of operator attack promotions are those proposed by mobile operators Very Mobile, Kena Mobile and ho. Mobile, whose prices start from 4.99 euros or 5.99 euros per month. These operators - which are virtual type as they rely respectively on the networks of WINDTRE, TIM and Vodafone - propose offers that are both all inclusive and operator attack and with which you can have access from a minimum of 30 Giga to a maximum of 100 Giga monthly, depending on the promotion subscribed, at very low prices.
On the other hand, next to this kind of promotions there are also tariffs that can be activated by any type of customer, as well as for the activation of a new number: this is the case of the proposal of Iliad, which recently launched a limited edition super promotion on the market, but open to all, with which you can have 100 Giga Internet, as well as unlimited minutes and messages, at the modest price of 9.99 euros per month.
Promotions by age group
Among the offers that have some success among operators and that could be really interesting there are those that are aimed at a specific target, more specifically at a specific age group.
So there are offers dedicated to the young and the very young, but at the same time there are promotions that are aimed explicitly at the over 60s: generally this type of mobile phone offers include the services that are considered most interesting for the target audience.
It is precisely the operators that have been active in the mobile market for the longest time, namely TIM, Vodafone and WINDTRE, that sponsor this form of tariff on their respective sites. For example Vodafone proposes:
• Shake it Easy, la quale essendo un’offerta pensata per gli under 30, che ha un costo di 14,99 euro al mese, prevede Giga illimitati per l’utilizzo delle app di messaggistica istantanea, i servizi di streaming musicale e le mappe, oltre che minuti e messaggi verso tutti i numeri, anche in zone Ue;
• Vodafone Facile, che è l’offerta destinata agli over 60, che ha un costo di 12,99 euro al mese e che, per questo motivo, include soltanto 4 Giga di Internet, oltre che minuti e SMS illimitati, anche in zona Ue.
La proposta di TIM per gli over 60 è molto simile, in quanto include 4 Giga mensili e le chiamate illimitate, al costo di 9,90 euro al mese, mentre quella per i giovani ha un costo di 14,99 euro al mese e include 60 Giga di Internet, oltre che minuti e SMS illimitati.
The proposal of WINDTRE is even more articulated for young people, in the sense that there are different plans under 30, under 20 and under 14, as well as the proposal for the over 60, which costs 9.99 euros per month and includes 6 Giga, unlimited calls and 200 SMS.
The mobile phone offers of type 5G
Who wants to keep up with the times, however, must absolutely opt for a promotion of type 5G. At the moment there are 3 operators with which to activate a proposal of this type, or TIM, Vodafone and WINDTRE.
More in detail, with TIM you can choose between the promotion TIM Advance 5G, which at a cost of 29.99 euros per month allows you to have access to unlimited calls and minutes and 50 Giga Internet, or TIM Advance 5G Top, which at a cost of 49.90 euros per month of Giga includes 100.
Infinito è la gamma di Vodafone dedicata alle offerte di tipo 5G: al costo di 24,99 euro al mese è possibile navigare alla velocità di 2 Mbps e avere accesso a minuti, messaggi e Giga illimitati, oltre che 1 Giga e 200 minuti in roaming extra Ue.
In alternativa è possibile optare per:
• Infinito Gold Edition, che ha un costo di 29,99 euro al mese, che prevede (in più rispetto alla versione Infinito) 2 Giga e 300 minuti in roaming extra Ue e la velocità di 10 Mbps;
• Infinito Black Edition, che differisce per il costo di 39,99 euro al mese, per i 5 Giga e 500 minuti inclusi in roaming extra Ue, e per 12 mesi di NOW TV gratuiti.
La soluzione di WINDTRE ha un costo di 29,90 euro al mese e include Giga illimitati per navigare dal proprio smartphone alla velocità del 5G. Please note that in order to use one of the 5G offers mentioned you will need to be in possession of a cell phone that allows the use of this network technology, for which we recommend taking advantage of one of the offers with phone included available on the sites of TIM, Vodafone and WINDTRE.