TikTok, video ancora più ricchi e coinvolgenti con la mini app Jump

Una mini app per rendere i video di TikTok ancora più divertenti integrata nel social network: ecco cos'è Jump e come funziona


Veronica Nicosia Giornalista scientifico

Laureata in astrofisica, giornalista scientifico e content editor SEO, scrive di tecnologia per magazine online e carta stampata. Nel 2020 approda a Libero Tecnologia

I video di TikTok ora diventano più ricchi e coinvolgenti grazie a un nuovo strumento chiamato Jump. It's a mini app launched by the platform that will allow users to interact with the short clips posted on the social network, through dynamic elements inserted by the creators themselves.

It's already some time that the feature has made its appearance on the platform, but involving only a small number of people. Now, however, TikTok has decided to expand Jump in order to make it available to a larger number of users, after concluding the beta test period and fine-tuning its main aspects. With the introduction of this feature, which uses HTML5, the latest generation of markup language, movies become a starting block for discovering information or performing different types of actions, expanding the possibilities made available to creatives.

Jump by TikTok, how it works

With the mini app, TikTok will allow you to integrate links, buttons, references to more in-depth information and even other mini apps into your videos. Once tapped on the link, clearly visible in the lower section of the screen, Jump will give the user the opportunity to "jump" and reach the in-depth information, allowing them to delve deeper into the topic or interact with what's ready to wait for them.

In the first phase, Jump will support only a few partners, who will have previously had to submit their application and pass a careful verification process, which is essential to kick off the jump. Among them, appear the names of Wikipedia, Quizlet, Whisk, Tabelog, Jumprope, Watcha, Breathwr and StatMuse, to which soon will be added also BuzzFeed and IRL.

Jump by TikTok, a novelty already experimented?

Although for the Chinese company is a complete novelty, a similar feature had already appeared previously in another application particularly loved by young people. The reference is to Minis, present on Snapchat, which using the same language allows members to carry out different operations, including buying movie tickets or preparing flashcards for study without ever having to leave the main program.

In any case, we're talking about functions of great interest to companies, given that current trends are pushing the accelerator regarding the purchase of goods and services directly from within social networks or applications. One example is WeChat, which generates around $250 million annually with this fruitful marketing approach.