We’re about to find out what’s inside the Pyramids

The key is in some elementary particle waves called "muons." We're about to find out what's inside the Pyramids.

For some time now, the imaginations of science fiction writers - and conspiracy buffs - have been exercising over what we still don't know about the Pyramids. The mysteries guarded by the gigantic tombs of the Ancient Egyptians, the most famous of which are located in the plain of Giza (they are precisely those of Cheops, Chephren and Mycerinus), have of course nothing to do with aliens or strange magic, but this does not mean that they do not hide surprising and fascinating mysteries.

The problem of looking inside the Pyramids

The problem is at this point to look inside the Pyramids: yes, because in the cramped rooms and corridors of the tombs, which were not made to be visited, and that, indeed, had to be protected from raiders of all ages, the air has not passed for a long, long time. A sudden gust of oxygen would therefore risk ruining the treasures contained in the internal areas of the structures with a square or rectangular base and a shape, as the name suggests, pyramidal.

To get around the problem, the scholars have first frozen any exploratory ambitions, accepting, momentarily, the inaccessibility of the colossal funerary monuments. Then they set to work on technologies. The breakthrough came from a space technology using muon: "They can go through tens of meters of concrete. They'll even go through your body without doing anything," said a physicist at the University of Glasgow. "They are ubiquitous, penetrating and free. They're everywhere and part of the natural environment." These are waves of elementary particles about the size of an electron but 200 times more thoughtful.

How the sensational discovery of a secret chamber in Giza was possible

Thanks to the muon, which is more effective than X-rays, scientists can "look through walls." Even when they are of gigantic thickness as in the case of the ancient structures symbolic of Egypt. In 2017, thanks to the muon, archaeologists discovered in the depths of the largest of the three Pyramids, that of Giza, a huge cavity, previously unknown. It is probably a 30-meter large room located above the Great Gallery, the corridor that led from the queen's room to the pharaoh's sarcophagus.

The discovery, among the most important of the 21st century, and which had not been predicted by any kind of theory, was possible thanks to ScanPyramids, which works with the muon. Who knows what else will tell us about the use of these very effective elementary particle waves in the next years of historical research.

The secrets hidden in the folds of time never cease to fascinate researchers: who have thawed a virus of 15 thousand years ago and have set off in search of the secrets of Atlantis.

Giuseppe Giordano