A bug in a WordPress plugin puts a million sites at risk

The flaw was detected in a well-known and widely used plugin on WordPress - NextGEN - and which is used to create image galleries

The popularity of WordPress is largely due to the huge availability of plugins that extend its functionality. Not surprisingly, it is the most widely used CMS (Content Management System) in the world with a market share of over 20%.

Content Management Systems are Web applications - usually developed in PHP or ASP - that allow even those who are not expert programmers to create sites, even complex ones such as e-commerce, using templates to be configured. The bug discovered in NextGEN, according to security expert Slavco Mihajloski of Sucuri, is "a critical problem". A hacker who came across a site with a vulnerable version of this plugin could perform an SQL Injection and get hold of confidential information - such as passwords and email addresses - stored stored in the CMS database. Many sites, unfortunately, have not yet updated NextGEN.

How to fix WordPress bug

To better understand the dangerousness of this flaw in NextGEN, we need to take a step back. WordPress is a CMS that is based on a SQL database created on a MySQL server. The danger comes from the fact that all the information of the site is stored in this database. All of it. Not only texts, page structure, graphic interface, images and other files, with their URLs, but above all, data about users, comments and access passwords, including those of the administrator. SQL database protection, therefore, is of vital importance. Se un malintenzionato, con le conoscenze necessarie, riuscisse a violare il “cuore" del sito, avrebbe il controllo su tutto. Senza entrare in dettagli troppo tecnici, questa “porta" di accesso è fornita proprio dalla vulnerabilità del plugin NextGEN che è stato corretto e va aggiornato il più presto possibile.

Come difendersi dagli attacchi hacker

Cliccando sui link che seguono, invece, potrete scoprire  suggerimenti, alcuni più tecnici altri più alla portata di tutti, riguardanti la sicurezza informatica e scoprire le tipologie di attacchi più comuni: dagli attacchi DDoS al phishing, passando per le botnet.

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