An infected version of Facebook Lite APK steals valuable information

Facebook Lite is the lighter version of the social platform and developed for developing countries, but unfortunately it contains malware

Facebook released it in early June 2015. We are talking about Facebook Lite, the application developed by the Mountain View company for developing countries where the Internet connection is still not fast. More than an application it is a "wrapper" that is, a kind of system to use, more conveniently, the online version of the social network on cell phones.

It is available on Google Play, but not in all countries, so some people download it from untrustworthy sites to get it, infecting their cell phones. Not all versions of Facebook Lite APK circulating on various sites contain this infamous data-cheating virus, but all programs downloaded outside Google Play carry a certain amount of risk. It is no coincidence that Android - by default - blocks installation of incoming APKs from other marketplaces.

Download only from trusted sites

How does the infection occur? After downloading Facebook Lite APK, a large amount of information about the device is shared with Chinese servers. It is data such as device ID, operating system version, MAC (Media Access Control) address - also called physical address - phone model, and location: all information that is then shared with foreign servers as well. L’APK permette anche di installare altre applicazioni sul dispositivo senza che il proprietario se ne accorga. Se in un paese non è disponibile Facebook Lite, meglio non rischiare e installare la versione – magari in inglese – presente sul Google Play. Gli APK, Facebook Lite a parte, sono anche spesso usate per installare gratis versioni di applicazioni a pagamento su sito pirata. Meglio non rischiare.

Come difendersi dagli attacchi hacker

Cliccando sui link che seguono, invece, potrete scoprire  suggerimenti, alcuni più tecnici altri più alla portata di tutti, riguardanti la sicurezza informatica e scoprire le tipologie di attacchi più comuni: dagli attacchi DDoS al phishing, passando per le botnet.

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