The Galaxy S10 will come in five versions

Samsung is reportedly working on five versions of the Galaxy S10: three with 4G technology and two with 5G modems. Prices will reach up to 1500 euros Not one, not two, not three, not four, but as many as five. This is the number of versions that Samsung will produce of the Galaxy S10, the … Read more

3D meat has arrived and they say it’s better than the real thing

“Better” 3D meat than the real thing is already a reality. Novameat’s goal is to overcome the taste of current products with a sustainable solution. Despite the boom in plant-based meat, which can already be found in supermarkets, every experiment in this direction has come up against the limitation of imitating the “real thing”. Yes, … Read more

Google WiFi in Italy: how the router of Big G works

Google has launched on the Italian market the new Google Wi-Fi, a tool to improve the home Internet connection. Here’s how it works and how much it costs After revolutionizing many small aspects to create a series of devices for smart homes, such as for example the voice assistant Google Home or the Chromecast for … Read more