Android TV 12 is official: what changes for Smart TVs

Google has released the latest version of Android TV, its universal operating system for Smart TVs: here’s what changes and when we’ll see it in action It’s been a long wait and it was finally announced without even too much hype, but it’s here: Google has released the official and stable version of Android TV … Read more

TikTok, video ancora più ricchi e coinvolgenti con la mini app Jump

Una mini app per rendere i video di TikTok ancora più divertenti integrata nel social network: ecco cos’è Jump e come funziona Veronica Nicosia Giornalista scientifico Laureata in astrofisica, giornalista scientifico e content editor SEO, scrive di tecnologia per magazine online e carta stampata. Nel 2020 approda a Libero Tecnologia I video di TikTok ora … Read more

Cervello e DNA, la strategia delle cellule per imparare più velocemente

Una recente ricerca del MIT dimostra che il cervello “rompe” il DNA quando sottoposto a stimoli legati ad apprendimento e memorizzazione. Sappiamo bene di non conoscere ancora molto del funzionamento del nostro cervello, del modo in cui raccoglie e processa le informazioni e di come costruisce le reti di informazione al suo interno.  Nonostante ciò, … Read more

BastaBufale, Boldrini launches a campaign against fake news

Against the hoaxes of the Net Laura Boldrini takes the field. The President of the Chamber of Deputies launches an appeal for the collaboration of schools and newspapers A tough fight to eradicate a problem that endangers our democracy and the ability of users to recognize the true information from the hoax created by the … Read more

Samsung’s anti iPad Pro will be so

Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra is on the launch pad and this is confirmed by the many rumors about the technical specifications leaked in these hours A few days have passed since the Galaxy Tab A8 was made official and it seems that Samsung is actually working to launch as soon as possible its new … Read more