Nuovo attacco alle Postepay: gli hacker alzano il tiro

Il nuovo sistema messo in piedi dagli hacker è molto più raffinato e permette loro di sottrarci i soldi dalle carte scavalcando le nuove misure di sicurezza. Il CSIRT della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, cioè il Computer Security Incident Response Team italiano, lancia un allarme specifico a tutti i possessori di carte Postepay: è … Read more

Dazn on the satellite, coming a new channel on Sky

Dazn is ready to land on Sky’s satellite: a dedicated channel with all the best of the platform’s programming will be launched in September Dazn is ready to land on Sky’s satellite platform. The rumors leaked in recent weeks that gave for certain the closing of the negotiations between the streaming platform dedicated to sport … Read more

How to Create a Secure Password to Protect Your Online Identity

These are the “basic” form of cyber defense, capable of protecting data and personal information from the longa manu of hackers and various hackers. That’s why creating an effective password is essential for using social and other web profiles in complete safety. As the years have passed and hackers’ attack tactics have increased, more and … Read more