Tools and instructions for converting MP4 files to MP3

Converting MP4 video files to MP3 audio files is easy with many free online tools: you just need to upload the video and follow the instructions. If you are reading this article, we must assume that you know what is meant by MP4 and MP3 so we will limit ourselves to a brief definition without … Read more

Digmine, the virus that generates cryptocurrencies present on Facebook

A virus is spreading on Messenger to generate Monero: it hides behind a video file sent by our friends. How to defend yourself Researchers from Trend Micro have discovered a new virus that is spreading through the Facebook Messenger platform and tries to use users’ computers to generate Monero, an alternative cryptocurrency to Bitcoin. It … Read more

È in arrivo un Apple Watch per gli sport estremi

Si torna a parlare di un Apple Watch per sport estremi: questa volta la notizia viene direttamente da dentro i corridoi di Cupertino. Gli Apple Watch sono da sempre tra gli smartphone preferiti dagli sportivi, anche perché Apple ha dotato ogni modello di funzioni sempre più avanzate per il monitoraggio dell’attività fisica e, specialmente con … Read more