Cashback, cosa cambia per i reclami sui rimborsi

Il decreto del governo Draghi del 30 giugno non solo ha sospeso il secondo semestre del Cashback, ma ha introdotto anche modifiche per i reclami sui rimborsi: cosa cambia


Veronica Nicosia Giornalista scientifico

Laureata in astrofisica, giornalista scientifico e content editor SEO, scrive di tecnologia per magazine online e carta stampata. Nel 2020 approda a Libero Tecnologia

Sin da quando il programma Cashback è iniziato, non sono mancati episodi segnalati dagli utenti che hanno visto transazioni eseguite non apparire nel rendiconto dell’app IO. The app itself offers a help desk service that allows users to make complaints about missing transactions in the app's log.

In the text of Decree 99 of June 30, 2021 issued by the Draghi government, the suspension of Cashback and Super Cashback in the six-month period from July 1 to December 31, 2021 is sanctioned. The government has decided to allocate the funds reserved for the Cashless Italy Plan program to other forms of social shock absorbers. In addition, as we explain here, it has changed the dates of the Super Cashback refunds: they will arrive by November 30 and no longer by the end of August. The new text, however, also presents changes regarding the failure or inaccurate crediting of the refund: here's what they are.

Cashback: what changes for claims on refunds

In the decree that sanctioned the launch of Cashback in 2020, there was talk of a deadline of 120 days to submit the claim after the deadline for payments. Now, however, the Draghi government's new decree specifies that users will be able to file complaints starting on the 15th day at the end of the first semester if they do not see all valid transactions made for Cashback between January 1 and June 30, 2021 recorded in the IO app, but no later than August 29, 2021.

This means that participants in the first semester of Cashback will be able to file complaints starting on July 15 and no later than August 29, 2021, which is about 45 days and no longer 120. In the event that the third semester of Cashback is not cancelled and begins next January 1, ending on June 30, 2022, users will be able to submit a claim between July 15 and August 29, 2022.

Cashback: how to complain about refunds

Complaints in case of non-credit or inaccurate credit must be submitted to Consap S.p.A., which is the entity that deals with the disbursement of refunds. To do so, it will be necessary to send a special form, duly filled in and signed, together with the required attachments.

Once the claim has been sent, Consap will have the task of asking PagoPA S.p.A, which is the operator of the IO app, for all the information regarding the transactions carried out by the user in the disputed period, so as to be able to define the error or not on the credited refund.

Also here, there comes a change in the timeframe for communicating the decision. If before Consap had 30 days from the date of the complaint to carry out the verifications and order the payment of the reimbursement, now instead it will have 30 days from the expiration of the deadline to present the complaint, that is 30 days from August 29.