Consegne a domicilio: come organizzare e promuovere il proprio servizio

L’emergenza Covid-19 ha aumentato la necessità per le attività di ristorazione di fornire ai propri clienti un servizio di consegna a domicilio rapido e puntuale: i consigli per organizzarlo e promuoverlo


Veronica Nicosia Giornalista scientifico

Laureata in astrofisica, giornalista scientifico e content editor SEO, scrive di tecnologia per magazine online e carta stampata. Nel 2020 approda a Libero Tecnologia

Le restrizioni dettate dalla pandemia di Covid-19 hanno imposto alle attività di ristorazione l’esigenza di fornire ai propri clienti un servizio di consegna a domicilio che sia rapido e puntuale. A necessity in order not to be left out of the market and be able to continue to serve their customers directly in their homes, while maintaining high standards.

To organize a good food delivery service you need to make sure that the food and beverages arrive in impeccable condition, respecting all safety regulations in force. This is why home delivery cannot be improvised, but requires the development of an integrated marketing strategy that evaluates all aspects of food delivery. The first part concerns the logistical organization: which dishes to offer on the menu for deliveries, the perimeter and the timeframe within which to carry them out. Equally important is the online presence of the business, be it through a curated website, social profile or delivery apps. In this way it will always be able to be found by loyal customers and win new ones, increasing its business.

How to organize a home delivery service

Let's start by organizing a home delivery service for food and beverages. The catering business will have to create a menu dedicated to the most suitable dishes for delivery, so as to always guarantee high quality standards to its customers. Depending on the type of menu, the delivery time can be defined in order to avoid the deterioration of the food, generally about 15 minutes so that it arrives still hot if it is cooked, and then also the maximum perimeter within which it will be possible to make them.

There is then the question of containers for food, which must be able to guarantee the standards of hygiene, strength and solidity, so that they are suitable for hot and cold dishes. The means of transport can be a bicycle, moped or car. There must be a system for receiving and managing orders, either via phone or WhatsApp, and different payment options: cash, payment cards or via PayPal and apps.

How to promote a home delivery service

Getting a perfectly organized delivery service is not enough to expand the business of a restaurant, pub or pizzeria, especially with the restrictions and closures imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Restaurant businesses need to be able to promote their food delivery service and this is possible through a solid online presence.

First, you will need to create your own Google MyBusiness tab: a digital business card to make yourself known in the area where you deliver. The card should always be updated with the exact location of the restaurant, opening hours, contact details and methods of payment and delivery. The same goes for social networks such as Facebook and Instagram, which can be used to advertise their products and launch promotions.

The online presence can then be consolidated by creating a website, perhaps relying on an expert in the field so that there is a section dedicated to home deliveries. Among the various services of this type there is also Site with our experts of Italiaonline that provides the option InConsegna, to manage orders. Differentiate yourself in this way from the competitors in your area, make known the products you offer, acquire more customers and make happy those who are already your customers.