Disinfestazione zanzare: quando farla e a chi rivolgersi

Con l’arrivo dell’estate tornano le zanzare e chiunque abbia un giardino o un terrazzo potrà intervenire con una disinfestazione: quando farla e a chi rivolgersi


Veronica Nicosia Giornalista scientifico

Laureata in astrofisica, giornalista scientifico e content editor SEO, scrive di tecnologia per magazine online e carta stampata. Nel 2020 approda a Libero Tecnologia

Arriva un momento durante l’estate ini cui la presenza delle zanzare non permette di godere liberamente degli spazi aperti della propria casa, dal giardino al terrazzo. In order to provide for a radical disinfestation, chemical products will be necessary, which can be managed only by a professional.

This is because the operation of disinfestation from mosquitoes, whatever type they are, is actually a quite complex operation that requires the analysis of the territory in which it will be performed and an effective planning. In fact, the objective will be to identify the hotbeds that most easily host the formation of larvae and to intervene with the use of suitable products. For this reason, it is a good idea to contact a specialized company that can provide a careful analysis and planning of the intervention and carry out the disinfestation in total safety and respect for the environment, eliminating the mosquito problem at the same time.

Mosquito disinfestation: when to plan it

Before determining the methods and finding the most suitable company for your needs, it is necessary to identify the best time to request an intervention. The reproduction cycle of mosquitoes is divided into two moments: the larval and adult stages. For this reason, it is necessary to plan a pest control cycle that takes into account the larval or adult stage of mosquitoes, so as to be able to interrupt the entire reproduction cycle of these annoying insects.

From March onwards, you can request an anti-larval intervention, which aims to destroy the larvae that have not yet developed. In April, instead, it will be possible to start with the adulticidal disinfestation. Performing only the anti-larval phase or only the adulticide will not solve the problem. The larvae will give birth to new adult specimens, while the adult mosquitoes may create new generations of larvae.

Also, you must take into account the weather when planning the pest control: performing it in a garden before a heavy thunderstorm proves useless, because rainwater will compromise the effect of insecticidal products.

Mosquito pest control: where it should be carried out and who to contact

In order to plan mosquito pest control, it is necessary first of all to identify the outbreaks in the area that is the object of the intervention. For larvicidal pest control, you will need to pay attention to the places where it is easier for larvae to proliferate in your garden, such as ponds, sewers, containers that collect rainwater and even animal drinking troughs. All areas where there is a stagnation of water and shade in which the larvae can develop and grow.

Given the toxicity of pesticides, the advice is to turn to professionals who are able to perform the analysis of the area and the choice of products, so as not to expose yourself to the risk of poisoning and eliminate the problem. To find the specialized company you will be able to use the various sites that offer free quotes online from which to choose the most suitable for your needs. Among these is Pagine Gialle Casa, which once you have entered all the data allows you to compare several quotes and choose the best one to fight the annoying mosquitoes.