"Dottore a domicilio" is the new Private Medical Guard service that brings the doctor directly to your home. And it also works abroad
Starting today, D2H - Dottore a Domicilio (Doctor at Home) - is the new online and smartphone service that allows you to geo-locate the nearest doctor and immediately request a home visit, regardless of where you live.
A social solution to a social problem. A recent survey, in fact, reveals that there are more than 16 million Italians who every year have difficulty finding a doctor for a home visit. Many doctors have already adhered to the project, for a coverage guaranteed at this time in the major urban centers, but growing throughout the country, with an eye also abroad. The service works even if you do not know the exact place where you are: the system takes care of locating the position and, in real time, check if there are doctors available in the requested area.
Medical Without Borders
"The D2H service has no borders," says Mauro Turchetti, CEO of D2H Italia, "in fact, many times you need a doctor just when you are far from home: on vacation, on a business trip or even abroad, when it is important to have someone who speaks the same language as you. All you have to do is turn on your phone, and if there is a D2H doctor within a few miles, the system sends him or her a visit request."
How does the service work?
The system is pretty easy and straightforward to use. Just log on to the Doctor at Home site, get located - or manually enter the address where the visit is required and - within seconds - you are able to see all the doctors nearby on a map. Inoltrare direttamente al medico la richiesta richiede pochi semplici passaggi. Entro qualche minuto il dottore contatta telefonicamente D2H, per verificare che non sia tratti di un’urgenza che richieda l’intervento del pronto soccorso, e poi si reca all’indirizzo del “paziente” fornito dal servizio. È una soluzione molto utile anche per richiedere una visita “in remoto” per amici e parenti che vivono lontani.
Fonte foto: D2H
Dottore a domicilio
Se è grave… chiamare il 118 o il Pronto soccorso
Una volta selezionato il medico, basta compilare i dati e inviare la richiesta. Il costo della prenotazione è di 10 euro, mentre la tariffa richiesta dal medico è pubblicata insieme ai suoi dati. Il pagamento della visita domiciliare viene effettuato direttamente al dottore. When the doctor receives the request, he will contact the interested party by phone to arrange the home visit and check again that there are no conditions of urgency/emergency such as, for example, intense chest pain, breathing difficulties, paralysis, difficulty in speaking or bleeding: in these cases it is, therefore, appropriate to contact 118 directly or go to the nearest Emergency Room. If it is not possible to make the home visit, the cost of the reservation of 10 euros is canceled.
Warning: it is a private medical service!
It should be said that the service does not have an agreement with the National Health Service (SSN) because it is a private general medicine service and therefore a paid service. If the doctor, therefore, prescribes a prescription to be used for the purchase of the drug in the pharmacy, he operates outside the SSN. The health service is, however, tax deductible, except for the cost of booking the visit.