Google lengthens the list of countries in the world where we can use its contacless and cashless payment system: 10 more states added, 9 are very close to us
Google continues to increase the number of countries in the world where you can use Google Pay, its contacless payment system via smartphones and wearable devices, especially smartwatches and smartbands with NFC chip.
In fact, another handful of countries has been announced where it is now possible to use this convenient system to pay: they are 10, nine of which are European countries where we Italians often travel for tourism or business. This means that as soon as the release of this feature is complete (it will take a few days), we'll be able to pay cashless and contactless with our Google Pay devices in these new territories. In totale i Paesi in cui oggi possiamo usare Google Pay salgono a 37.
Google Pay: i 10 nuovi Paesi
Questa รจ la lista dei nuovi Paesi nei quali ora Google Pay funziona:
- Austria
- Bulgaria
- Estonia
- Grecia
- Ungheria
- Lituania
- Lettonia
- Portogallo
- Romania
- Singapore
Google Pay: la lista dei Paesi dove funziona
Con questi 10 nuovi Paesi gli Stati del mondo dove possiamo usare Google Pay arrivano a ben 37. Ecco quali sono:
- Australia
- Austria
- Belgio
- Brasile
- Bulgaria
- Canada
- Cile
- Croazia
- Repubblica Ceca
- Danimarca
- Emirati Arabi Uniti
- Estonia
- Finlandia
- Francia
- Germania
- Grecia
- Hong Kong
- Irlanda
- Italia
- Lettonia
- Lituania
- Nuova Zelanda
- Norvegia
- Polonia
- Portogallo
- Regno Unito
- Romania
- Russia
- Singapore
- Slovacchia
- Spagna
- Stati Uniti
- Svezia
- Svizzera
- Taiwan
- Ucraina
- Ungheria