Here is Twitch: the world’s most popular video platform for e-sports

Born in 2011 and now owned by Amazon, it is the reference point for videogamers around the world to follow and comment live matches and tournaments

Are you familiar with Twitch? If the answer is no, you're probably not a real video game fan. Or not yet. Twitch is the most popular video streaming platform dedicated to video game content and e-sports. Launched in 2011 by the creators of Justin Tv and purchased by Amazon in 2014 for $970 million.

How it works. Twitch owes its success especially to the live web broadcast of video game tournaments, but also to the individual games of the most famous gamers. In addition to computers, Twitch can also be used on iOS and Android smartphones. And you can broadcast online with the main consoles. Obviously, to show the world your gaming exploits you need to create an account. È possibile registrarsi anche tramite Facebook e il tutto è totalmente veloce e gratuito. Dopo la registrazione bisognerà abilitare il broadcast dal pannello di controllo del profilo e il gioco è fatto. Anzi no, e il gioco inizierà.

Raccontami Twitch



Twitch è “figlio” di Justin Kan e Emmett Shear. I due dopo aver fondato Justin.Tv si accorsero che la categoria legata agli e-sport stava letteralmente monopolizzando tutto il resto e decisero di creare uno spin-off legato ai videogiochi. Così nel giugno 2011 nacque Twitch.Tv. Una finta novità visto il successo che aveva già alle spalle, e con un futuro brillante davanti. Nel febbraio 2014 salì alla ribalta mondiale grazie a Twitch palys Pokemon, una partita in multiplayer online che vide la bellezza di 70 mila utenti collegati in media allo stesso momento. For a peak of 6.5 million views in the first days of the launch of the game. It is no coincidence that a few months later the giant Amazon became seriously interested in acquiring the platform. Among the most popular games on Twitch are: League of Legends, Hearthstone, Dota and World of Warcraft.

Twitch vs YouTube

Comparing Twitch with YouTube would be wrong, but the comparison will come in handy to help us better understand the platform, now owned by Amazon, especially to those who don't know it. Google, in fact, was among the first interested in Twitch but failed to complete the acquisition and for this reason a year ago launched YouTube Gaming on the market. The real difference between Twitch and the classic YouTube is the live interaction, the integrated chat and the possibility to comment on the games. It's the community of gamers that gives strength, even before the content, to the platform. However, there are points of comparison with YouTube. The likes for example. The very well articulated division by categories. Or the stars, on one side are YouTubers and on the other are gamers.

Twitch Prime

Almost all of us know Amazon Prime, the Amazon service that offers some advantages such as, for example, fast shipping at no extra cost. Customers of the service will now be able to take advantage of Twitch Prime as well. Very similar to the monthly paid service Twitch Turbo: without ads and with personalized chat and emoticons. But with interesting new features that will stimulate the curiosity of the most passionate gamers. Like discounts on pre-order video games and customized skins for game characters.