Here’s how to easily convert PDF files to ePub format

A quick guide to the best programs for converting PDF files to ePub: all of them are free and make it easy to view documents on e-book readers

Are you a regular ebook reader and need to convert PDF files to make them easier to read? It is very simple. There is no need to spend money on a reader with such features. Just install a good free PDF converter to ePub or specific formats.

Let's start from the beginning. Before we see what programs are recommended, it is better to start from the base. One of the most widely used formats is the .ePub extension. Especially for documents with simple graphics. For more complex ones on the contrary is not recommended. While the readers of the Kindle series are not enabled to display this format. Generally, programs for converting PDF files are simple and can be used even by those who do not have much experience in this field. They work with the triple action of uploading, converting and downloading the newly created file. What makes the difference in using one or the other are the small differences.

EBook Converter by Ice Cold Apps 

This is an application that allows you to choose between various formats, common and less common such as: ePub, fb2, lit, lrf, mobi, pdb, pdf, tcr. Very easy to use thanks to an intuitive interface, in case of ePub formats you can also edit the title, author and margins. You can then share the created file and select the device where it will be displayed. In short, EBook Converter is a no-frills app that gets the job done.

Epubator by Iiizio

This tool allows you to convert PDF files to ePub. Again, this is a no-frills program that is also useful for those who are less familiar with it. Permette anche l’estrazione di alcune immagini dal file originario ed è totalmente gratuita. Non presenta inoltre pubblicità. Un punto a favore visto che il suo utilizzo non è disturbato dai banner e dagli annunci.


calibre.jpgFonte foto: Calibre


Sin qui abbiamo parlato di programmi veloci per la gestione dei formati. Uno dei migliori software gratuiti per la conversione e la gestione su ebook è invece Calibre. Per modificare un formato ci basta cliccare su “aggiungi libri” nella schermata principale in alto a sinistra. Selezionare il nostro file e poi cliccare su “converti libri”. Selezioniamo il formato ePub e inseriamo le informazioni richieste (titolo, autore) e poi basta cliccare su “ok”. Il suo punto di forza è la gestione. Oltre che convertire ha diverse funzioni, e tra le altre gestisce la nostra libreria in maniera impeccabile.


This program is designed for files with white background text that also have graphics or figures, and is particularly suitable for viewing a format on small screens. Using it is very simple, you just need to follow some small instructions. The advantage of K2pdfopt over other similar programs is that it also preserves the special characters of the PDF file and can be used in any language. It can be downloaded for Windows, 32bit and 64bit operating systems, and Linux.


Let's return, finally, to another quick option without the need to install anything. Here too, on DocsPal, we find several formats to convert totally free of charge. It has a weight limit for convertible files which is 50MB. But on the other hand it is very fast and intuitive to use.