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Samsung Galaxy Note 8 wireless charging - how it works

You can charge the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 not only via USB cable and adapter, but also wirelessly. This process works by induction and requires that you have a suitable charging station for your cell phone.

How wireless charging works on the Samsung Galaxy Note 8

Inductive charging has been possible on all Samsung smartphones since the introduction of the Galaxy Note 5. Therefore, you can also charge the battery of the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 without a cable connection. However, since the smartphone does not come with a suitable charging station, you have to buy it separately if you want to charge your Note 8 inductively. Samsung itself offers an inductive charging station with fast charging function in its online store, which you can get for 60 euros.

This is how you have to proceed to charge your Samsung Galaxy Note 8 wirelessly

Once you have purchased a suitable charging station from Samsung or another provider, you can use it to charge the battery of your Samsung Galaxy Note 8.
  1. To charge the device wirelessly via fast charging, first activate the corresponding function in the settings under "Device Maintenance" > "Battery" > "Advanced Settings".
  2. Legen Sie das Galaxy Note 8 anschließend so auf das Ladegerät, dass die Mittelpunkte von Ladestation und Smartphone übereinander liegen.
  3. Nutzen Sie die kabellose Aufladefunktion zum ersten Mal, erscheint auf dem Display des Smartphones eine Anzeige zum Ein- und Ausschalten des induktiven Ladens.
  4. Außerdem sehen Sie auf dem Display die voraussichtliche Dauer des Ladevorgangs.

By Lorry Peressini

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