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Keystroke italics - how to create the font markup

The italics are indispensable, especially in the execution of scientific works. The slanted letters can almost always be created from the menu in word processing programs such as Word. An equally convenient variant is to use keyboard shortcuts.

How to use the keyboard shortcut for italic font

You can use a keyboard shortcut to use italic font on both a Mac and a Windows PC:
  1. Within a document, press [Ctrl] + [i] to create text in italic font. This key combination works on both Windows and Mac.
  2. Another option for enabling italics is the keyboard shortcut [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [k]. However, this combination only works on Windows PCs.

More font markup: Key combination for bold and underline

You can also generate bold and underlined text in no time using a key combination. Proceed as follows:
  1. Bold: The key combination [Ctrl] + [b] makes the text bold in applications such as Word. Alternativ nutzen Sie das Kürzel [Strg] + [Shift] + [f]. Diese Kombination funktioniert allerdings nur bei Windows.
  2. Unterstreichen: Bei MacOS und Windows unterstreichen Sie Textinhalte mit der Tastenkombination [Strg] + [u]. Bei Windows funktioniert zudem auch [Strg] + [Shift] + [u].

By Darrow

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