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Customize Google Discover - how to set the news feed

Google Discover is the new Google Feed and always notifies you about the latest news. However, if you don't want to be notified about all news, but want to decide for yourself which ones to display, the easiest way to do that is to customize Google Discovery.

How do you customize Google Discovery's feed?

Google Discovery can be customized directly in the app.
  1. First, you should enable "Web and app activities" so that all changes are saved in your Google account.
  2. To do this, open the Google app and tap on the three horizontal dots. Now go to the item "My data in Google Search" and then further to "Web and app activities". Activate the option.
  3. Now you can add or remove topics in the Google App. To do this, again go to the three-dot menu. This time, select "Customize Discovery".
  4. If you now want to add a topic, simply tap "Follow Topics" on the corresponding topic. Do you want to remove one, tap on the X.
  5. You can also add or remove topics in the browser. To do this, go to the Google website and log in with your Google account. Nun gehen Sie in die Einstellungen, indem Sie auf die drei senkrechten Striche klicken. Änderungen nehmen Sie unter „Discovery“ und „Interessen verwalten“ vor.

By March Hehir

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