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The Burning Crusade Classic: What are progression realms?

Because of the ongoing hype around WoW Classic parallel to the retail version, the server landscape of World of Warcraft has grown even bigger anyway. With TBC Classic, progress realms are added.

Always up to date: On progress realms there is WoW Classic with the current expansion.

These go online in parallel with the so-called era realms. We have explained the latter in more detail here.

This function is fulfilled by progress realms in WoW Classic

Progress realms are consequently the counterparts to the era realms:
  • If you are already playing WoW Classic and want to jump through to the upcoming expansion The Burning Crusade, you can simply play on your current server. Since TBC is played on there, it is namely a progress realm.
  • On the other hand, if you want to remain faithful to WoW Classic without an expansion, an era realm is the right address.
Despite the different terminology, the situation is therefore by no means complicated: Progress realms are always at the current state of the Classic game, further action is not necessary on the part of the players. Consequently, this system will continue with further Classic expansions, if they appear in the next few years.Era realms, on the other hand, mark servers on which it will always remain Classic with maximum level 60.

By Postman Mckechnie

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