The Burning Crusade Classic: New features at a glance
The Burning Crusade is still considered perhaps the most popular WoW expansion ever. To coincide with the upcoming Classic launch, we take a look at what's new in TBC.
Big changes: The Burning Crusade brings many new features to WoW Classic.
The numerous new features that The Burning Crusade brought in 2007 could add to the already strong WoW hype. In the Classic re-release, this atmosphere is to be revived.The Burning Crusade Classic: Players can look forward to these innovations
The list of fresh features of The Burning Crusade read and reads extremely extensive:- The maximum level is raised from 60 to 70.
- Leveled is in Outland, in legendary areas such as Hellfire Peninsula, Nagrand, Schergrat or Shadowmoon Valley.
- The new hub for all players (Horde as Alliance) is Shattrath.
- As new playable races come Draenei (Alliance) and Blood Elves (Horde) added.
- Thanks to these two races paladins and shamans for the other faction playable (Draenei Shaman and Blood Elf Paladin).
- With Jewelcrafting there is a new profession. This is related to another fresh feature, namely the item sockets.
- In addition, flying mounts find their way into the game. However, these can only fly in Outland.
- The arena is introduced, in parallel with the Seasons.
- The raids will be smaller: Instead of 40 players, as they were still needed for example for the Molten Core, the raid size shrinks to 25 or even 10 players (Karazhan).
- Groups of five players may also compete in heroic dungeons.