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Xbox: Error 0x80a4001a is displayed

You want to log in, but suddenly your Xbox says "Error 0x80a4001a"? This is a bit annoying, but usually the problem can be fixed in a few steps. Namely, it is just a small error during login.

What to do about error 0x80a4001a on Xbox?

When you want to use your Xbox, you may encounter some problems related to either the software or the network connection. In order for you to solve them, you will usually be shown an error code in the process. If you receive the Xbox error 0x80a4001a, you don't have to worry.This is an error when logging in with your Microsoft account on the Xbox. You will see the error code as soon as you try to enter your Microsoft password. To fix the error and be able to log in, you need to remove your account and then log in again.

How to do it

  1. First, you need to delete your account from Xbox. To do this, first open "System".
  2. Now go to the settings here.
  3. Select "Account > Remove account".
  4. Remove the account where the Xbox error 0x80a4001a occurred. In der Regel betrifft dies Ihr Microsoft-Konto.
  5. Anschließend wählen Sie unter „Konto“ dann „Anmelden“.
  6. Hier verbinden Sie nun erneut den entfernten Account und melden sich mit Ihren Zugangsdaten an.
  7. Abschließend wählen Sie entweder „Keine Grenzen“ oder „Hauptschlüssel anfordern“ aus. Der Fehler 0x80a4001a sollte nun nicht mehr von der Xbox angezeigt werden.

By Auvil Winkeljohn

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