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Television on the Internet: These options you have

Nowadays, streaming services such as Netflix, Maxdome and Co. are extremely popular. For this very reason, the demand for television on the Internet is also growing. For some time now, there have been various services through which you can stream desired TV channels on the Internet. Thus, you will not miss your favorite show even on the go.

These services offer you TV channels on the Internet

If you don't want to miss your favorite shows while on the go, you can now watch them on the Internet. There are various streaming services available to you for this purpose. Which one is ultimately best for you depends primarily on whether you only want to watch a few episodes or regularly follow the program of a station.
  1. If you want to watch individual episodes on the Internet that you have previously missed, then it is a good idea to use the streaming service of the individual stations. On the website of ProSieben, for example, you can find numerous episodes from the current program in the category "Whole episodes".
  2. On the other hand, if you would like to permanently follow the program of various stations online, then that is also possible. Services such as Waipu.TV or Zattoo already offer access to certain channels in the free basic version. Depending on the selected subscription model, you can also access many other private channels.
  3. For individual series, it is also recommended to access the offer of "TV Now". Whether the streaming service offers the desired content, you can usually find out beforehand on the site.

By Lucie Hokenson

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