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Free television on the Internet - this is how it works

If you want to watch your favorite programs while you are on the go, then it is a good idea to watch a stream of these programs on the Internet. For this purpose, there are various services that offer you free television programs.

How to watch TV for free over the Internet

If you want to watch your favorite programs and shows on the go, you can stream them on the Internet. In doing so, various services offer you the most popular programs. The individual stations, such as ProSieben, also show their programs on their website in case you have missed an episode. The respective online media library is available to you for this purpose. But there are other alternatives.
  1. Services, such as Zatto.com, are available in both free and paid versions. Even in the free version, you can choose from up to 87 programs. So you can see every program that is currently running in the stream.
  2. Also other websites offer television programs in the stream. Usually, you must first register for free. Most offers are also associated with monthly costs. However, the subscription can be canceled every month.
  3. If you only want to watch a particular program, it makes more sense to use the program's media library. Alternativ bietet auch die Seite TV Now eine große Auswahl verschiedener Sendungen an. Auch hier sind einige kostenlos im Stream erhältlich und andere erst durch ein kostenpflichtiges Abo.
  4. Nutzen Sie auch die Mediatheken oder den Livestream der öffentlich-rechtlichen Sender wie ARD und ZDF.

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