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YouTube without advertising - experience videos the right way

YouTube finances itself and its partners through advertisements, among other things. How much a Youtuber earns has to do with, among other things, how often their videos are viewed. This generates an estimate of how often a certain commercial has been viewed.

Block ads on YouTube

However, it is not directly relevant for you as a viewer whether you watch an ad or not, so you can bypass it quickly and easily.
  1. If you subscribe to YouTube Premium, you will enjoy YouTube without ads.
  2. If you want a free solution, you need a so-called AdBlocker.
  3. This extension blocks for you, based on set filters, most of the ads you would normally see.
  4. In addition to "AdBlock", you should also install "AdBlocker Plus".
  5. A combination of the two will ensure that any ads are blocked from the videos you watch.
  6. Depending on which browser you use, you will need different versions of the extensions. However, they are all downloadable in the same way. If you search for adblockers in the browser, the first search results should already lead you to the addon store of your corresponding browser.
  7. So as soon as you click on a new video now, it will not be interrupted within the first few seconds, but will continue to run in one piece.
  8. You can also deactivate the adblocker for some sites if you are prompted to do so or if you want to support the owners through advertising.
Many sites will not allow you to see the content you want until you have deactivated your adblocker. This does not mean that you should uninstall the extension. Just set up a new filter for the relevant page.

By Delanty

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