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DE-Mail Providers: All details in comparison

The concept of DE-Mail aims to replace the traditional postal letter with e-mails in the future. Providers are comparatively few so far, but the differences are striking.

DE-Mail: How providers differ

The importance of this communication channel is increasing among public authorities and companies, which is why more and more private individuals are also thinking about getting a DE-Mail address. In order for the documents and messages sent in this way to be legally recognized, the sending must be secure and verifiable.Among the best-known service providers that offer secure DE-mail accounts, you will find all the accredited providers below.

Compare the prices of DE providers

Telekom DE-Mail
  1. Accredited by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)
  2. Free setup of an email account
  3. Until 31.01.2018 sending DE-Mails also free of charge (further special offers possible)
  4. From February 2018 limited sending free of charge or. each DE-Mail costs 0.39 €
  5. 500 MB storage in the mailbox
DE-Mail from 1&1
  1. Also accredited by BSI
  2. One-time setup fee
  3. Monthly fee of 9,99 €
  4. Versand von 100 DE-Mails inklusive
  5. Postfachspeicher 10 GB
  1. Akkreditiertes DE-Mail-Postfach
  2. Einmalige Einrichtungsgebühr
  3. 10 Euro pro Monat
  4. Änderungen nur gebührenpflichtig möglich
  5. Zubuchbare Optionen für Unternehmen
Bitte beachten Sie, dass bei den Anbietern zusätzliche Kosten für das Versenden und Empfangen von DE-Mails entstehen können.

By Pudens Bianco

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